HomeSearch Criteria Definitions

Search Criteria Definitions

Advanced Search Fields Explained

The Keyword search is the broadest net; it is additive, meaning that it will pull every page that includes the search terms you enter. The more search terms a user enters, the more results that will appear.

The Narrow by Specific Fields is a restrictive search. We have included below the definitions of the search criteria to help our users understand by what fields they can narrow content searches. To narrow further, just add more fields. 

Search by Collection allows users to look into each of our collections; using this search, users can search just the documents, just the policies mentioned in those documents, or just within our Featured Policies collection.

Search by Tag is a developing feature. Currently, LUHPLA only has content tagged by country; we hope to add Theme soon.

Document Metadata


The title of the document.


The organization that published the document.


The year that the document was published.


The name of the author(s) that authored the document.


The language the document is written in (English, Spanish, or Portuguese).

Mentioned Policy Metadata


The country where this policy took place.

State City or cities

The state, department, municipality, or city where the policy took place.

Implementation level

The level at which the policy was implemented (ie. national, subnational, etc).

Policy Start

The year the policy started in.

Policy End

The year the policy ended in, if applicable.


The general theme of the policy (Health Behaviors, Mobility, and Transport, etc).

Sub Theme

A more narrow vision of the Theme (ie. Housing).

Lowi Policy Typology

An attribution of the policy's Lowi typology (Distributive, Redstributive, Constituent, Regulatory).

Policy Mechanism Category

The category of mechanism by which the policy was implemented (Access to services, Financial assistance, Advocacy or education, Regulation or enforcements, Infrastructure or development).

Stated objective of policy in publication

The objective of the policy as stated explicitly in the document.

Target population of policy

The targeted population of the policy (ie. Mothers, Children or youth, etc).

Implementation stage

The stage at which the policy is being implemented (Pilot, Ongoing, Under Evaluation, etc).

Financing source(s)

The organizations/institutions that the funding for the policy came from.

Urban impact

The specifically stated urban impact of the policy, if mentioned.

Health objective

The policy's aim/objective to improve health, if mentioned in the document.

Health outcome

The specifically stated health outcome that the policy had, if mentioned.

Policy Evaluation included?

Whether the document that mentions this policy has an evaluation of the policy (Yes/No). 

Featured Policy Metadata

Enacting laws

The national law(s) that enacted the policy.