Programa de Aceleracão do Crescimento (PAC)
Programa de Aceleracão do Crescimento (PAC)
Cited Documents
Federative Republic of Brazil National Report for Habitat III
Scaling-up Affordable Housing Supply in Brazil
BRAZIL IMPACT STORY: How the combined impacts of national legal and institutional innovations, dedicated investment programmes political will and social activism have paved the way for participatory slum upgrading in Brazil
Involuntary Resettlement in Brazil : A Review of Policies and Practices
OCDE - Avaliações de Desempenho Ambiental: Brasil 2015
Políticas e institucionalidad en materia de agua potable y saneamiento en América Latina y el Caribe
¿Por qué allí?: Los motivos por los que promotores privados de vivienda social construyen en las periferias de las ciudades de América Latina
Evolução e Perspectivas do Abastecimento de Água e do Esgotamento Sanitário no Brasil
Scaling-up Affordable Housing Supply in Brazil
BRAZIL IMPACT STORY: How the combined impacts of national legal and institutional innovations, dedicated investment programmes political will and social activism have paved the way for participatory slum upgrading in Brazil
Involuntary Resettlement in Brazil : A Review of Policies and Practices
OCDE - Avaliações de Desempenho Ambiental: Brasil 2015
Políticas e institucionalidad en materia de agua potable y saneamiento en América Latina y el Caribe
¿Por qué allí?: Los motivos por los que promotores privados de vivienda social construyen en las periferias de las ciudades de América Latina
Evolução e Perspectivas do Abastecimento de Água e do Esgotamento Sanitário no Brasil
Enacting Laws
Implementation level
Policy Start
Policy End
Sub Theme
Specific theme
Infrastructure investment
Lowi Policy Typology
Stated objective of policy in publication
Encourage public and private investments in large-scale infrastructure, institutional development, fiscal, and tax exemption projects, especially in upgrading slums
Specific Mechanism
i) creation of the Infrastructure Investment Fund (Law 11,478 / 2007); ii) establishment of the Special Regime for Incentives for the Development of Infrastructure (Law 11,488 / 2007); (iii) simplification of mechanisms to expedite the transfer and accountability of program resources to states and municipalities (Law 11,578 / 2007); and iv) the creation of public positions with qualifications focused on specialized activities in the area of engineering (Law 11,539 / 2007). The economic measures that deserve mention are: i) expansion of the Caixa Econômica Federal credit limit for investments in sanitation (Law 11,485 / 2007); ii) creation of the Infrastructure Investment Fund with funds from the FGTS (Law 11,491 / 2007); iii) increase of the liquidity of the Residential Leasing Fund (FAR); reduction of long-term interest rates; iv) reduction of BNDES banking spreads to the infrastructure, logistics and urban development sectors; v) amendment of the Budget Guidelines Law, reducing the surplus for the execution of the Investment Pilot Projects (Law 11,477 / 2007); and (vi) expansion of budgetary resources for PAC investments in sanitation and the limits for the contracting of credit operations with public borrowers for sanitation (National Monetary Council resolutions 2,827 and 3,437) (BRASIL, 2008a, pp. 10 and 11).
Target population of policy
Implementation stage
Financing source(s)
Ministry of Urbanism and/or Urban Planning and/or Housing, State/Regional Government
Policy Evaluation included?
Scaling-up Affordable Housing Supply in Brazil
BRAZIL IMPACT STORY: How the combined impacts of national legal and institutional innovations, dedicated investment programmes political will and social activism have paved the way for participatory slum upgrading in Brazil
Evolução e Perspectivas do Abastecimento de Água e do Esgotamento Sanitário no Brasil
BRAZIL IMPACT STORY: How the combined impacts of national legal and institutional innovations, dedicated investment programmes political will and social activism have paved the way for participatory slum upgrading in Brazil
Evolução e Perspectivas do Abastecimento de Água e do Esgotamento Sanitário no Brasil
“Programa de Aceleracão do Crescimento (PAC),” Literature on Urban Health Policy in Latin America(LUHPLA), accessed January 22, 2025,